If you’re thinking about getting married, you may have at some point wondered why engagement rings are so important. And what is the significance of the ring itself?
The film industry is filled with tear-jerking engagement moments that tug at the heartstrings. Even if you are not of the romantic persuasion, you have to admit that watching a man go down on one knee, express his undying love through an emotional proposal warms you up a little.
Whilst there is now a lot of debate over the relevance and importance of engagement rings in 2021, the bottom line is, engagement rings are still hugely symbolic and they don’t seem to be dying out anytime soon.
Today we at Hatton Garden Diamond will attempt to answer all your engagement ring questions and perhaps some extra ones that you might not have thought about. Starting off with some history about engagement rings, where they come from and how they became such a symbolic social contract between two people in love.
History of engagement rings
For us to understand the relevance and significance of engagement rings, we need to trace how they found their place in society in the first place.
So what is an engagement ring? How did it end up as a symbol for the start of a marriage?
An engagement ring is a precious and often now expensive ring that is given to a partner to signal a higher level of commitment. It is the first step towards the wonderful institution that is marriage.
Back in ancient Rome, wives wore rings attached to small keys to indicate that their husbands owned them. In Europe in 1477, the Archduke Maximillian of Austria commissioned the first documented diamond engagement ring for Mary of Burgundy.
This trend spread like wildfire among the European nobility. Records show that different cultures across the world even in ancient times had used some form of engagement ring to signal love, commitment and marriage to their loved ones.
Making the case for engagement rings
Getting engaged is still a societal norm, and women in particular still dream of that significant moment in their lives. Despite growing concerns and reservations over marriage, getting engaged still pops up in the minds of both males and females alike.
So why are diamond engagement rings important, especially in 2021?
The answer is simple. Engagement rings are still the number one symbol of love and commitment. All those romantic films and songs still echo what most people desire deep down in their hearts.
Here are a few reasons why we believe engagement rings are important.
Engagement rings are an indestructible symbol of love
Love is still to this day, a beautiful thing. Everyone craves to have someone that they can lean on and trust. Human beings are not meant to live in isolation. That is why a symbol of love is important.
Ancient Greek mythology believed that Cupid the god of love had his arrow encrusted with diamonds and that his magic arrow could bring people together. Diamonds were seen as indestructible and hence their popularity in engagement rings. Now we have lab-grown diamonds as well which are still as amazing and indestructible but are more affordable.
Whilst we might not believe in Cupid and his power today, diamonds and engagement rings are still very much a symbol of love and commitment.
Engagement rings are a beautiful way to express your love and feelings for your partner. As diamonds are meant to last forever, so should be the aim of two people to have their love last forever.
Engagement rings are a sign of commitment
Sure, in 2021 commitment can be shown in various ways. Updating your Facebook relationship status, posting your first couple selfie on Instagram shows that you are committed to someone. But nothing is as wholesome or as satisfying as your partner giving you an engagement ring.
Engagement rings take things to a whole different level. It signals a deliberate intention from your partner to show the world everywhere you go that you belong to someone else. You can’t always show people you are engaged by the way you talk or dress. You can however walk around with a beautiful engagement ring that signals your beloved’s commitment to you.
The symbol for eternity and completion is the circle, and that is why an engagement ring is important. It represents a commitment to a lifelong promise of caring, laughter and love with someone important.
It’s a physical reminder of a special moment
The pressure for men to pull off the perfect proposal has gone up constantly over the years. Social media is abuzz with lots of extravagant proposals. From the outrageously weird or expensive to the more toned down and traditional proposals.
Picture your loved one looking down periodically on their fourth finger and smiling brilliantly because they’ve just remembered the moment that you asked them to marry you? It’s amazing how this small ring can say a million things at once.
Every time you look down on it or every time your partner looks at their ring, they are reminded of all the wonderful reasons why they fell in love with you. Even if things get a little rocky later on, that ring is often a reminder of the good things about your partner. It is sure to dissuade some negative feelings and thoughts and stay as steady in her heart as a rock.
You’ll often hear or see older people whose partners have passed on looking at their engagement rings with a smile. Nothing beats having a constant physical reminder of a special moment. It is something for you to leave behind for your partner and to stay in the family for generations to come.
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On a Thursday we take our last appointments at 6.30pm.
Engagement rings are an investment
If anything else, a diamond or engagement ring is an investment. There is a reason why these minerals have such a high value in society today.
There is nothing that represents forever quite like diamond engagement rings. Made from pure carbon, a diamond is pretty invincible. In other words, it will take quite a lot to destroy a diamond ring.
The beauty of a diamond never fades, it is a timeless treasure that you can pass down to your children. Diamonds have significant value in today’s market. So you can be rest assured that if things don’t work out or if tragedy strikes, you can exchange it for a much-needed cash injection.
While this might not be an ideal situation and it completely removes the romance from the scene, it is a reality.
Let’s dive into a bit of history regarding diamond rings as an economic exchange.
Back in the day, women could sue gentlemen that gave a diamond ring as a promise to marry and then changed their minds afterwards under a breach of the promise to marry. As sexist as it sounds today, society regarded the purity of a lady before marriage as a sacred thing.
When diamond engagement rings became popular women and the legality of the breach of promise to marry law was challenged and changed, the diamond ring became a lady’s only recourse against her ex. When she could no longer sue, at least she still had the ring.
Nowadays the consensus is generally that you must give the ring back. Whichever way you look at it, a diamond ring is an investment, if not for the lady then for the man. Someone will benefit either way.
It provides a sense of security and trust
Relationships are hard. They’ve always been tricky and hard to work at sometimes, however an engagement ring signals a stronger intention of commitment that will solidify a sense of security in the relationship.
Engagement rings are still the strongest form of flattery. It means that of the billions of people on earth, your partner feels that you are the one that they want to spend the rest of their lives with. There is no sweeter gesture of love than the engagement ring.
Why is a diamond ring so important?
We talked about the history of diamond engagement rings in ancient times and whilst that is fascinating, the more exciting story though is how the diamond engagement ring as we know it today came to be. In 1947 De Beers launched its “A Diamond is Forever” campaign.
The glittering diamond engagement ring dangling above the delicate outstretched hand of a woman clutching a rose was the iconic De Beers campaign image. The advert made it seem as if her finger would buckle under the weight and elegance of the diamond. To this day we’re sure that the famous De Beers advert is still firmly lodged somewhere in the memories of anyone who saw it.
De Beers was the first to conceptualise what we see as the engagement ring of today. With the help of notable old Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe, the 1971 James Bond film “Diamonds are Forever” and various fashion icons, diamond rings and diamond engagement rings were catapulted right into the centre of what society saw and thought of when it came to marriage proposals.
Society thinks highly of them
We might think that in the free spirited decade of the 2020’s people are not guided by the social traditions of the past. I think that in reality we still are. In this age of free thinking and freedom of expression, the ultimate truth is that we have not changed that much and traditions that were there since the beginning of time still exist in one form or another.
Everyone thinks diamonds are breathtaking, there is no debate about that. Getting a diamond ring will mean that your partner and your family and friends will start to see your relationship in a new more serious light.
They are a fashion statement
If not for an engagement, a diamond ring is a chic fashion statement. The diamond ring is synonymous with luxury and elegance. It will always take any outfit that you wear to the next level if you have some diamonds complementing your look. There are always new ways to present your diamonds, for example, Meghan Markle showed off her three-stone engagement ring elevating the trend for Multiple stone engagement rings
If you can afford them, diamonds are a great accessory to add to your wardrobe. They speak of elegance, charm and sophistication. They are truly a girl’s best friend.
They are versatile and durable
Diamonds can never be boring. Coming in all shapes and sizes, they make great additions to your closet and to your life.
You can use diamonds for just about anything. And we think that such a strong and versatile mineral truly deserves the place that it has in our society.
There is no doubt in our minds that diamonds and diamond rings are important even in 2021. If the pandemic has shown us anything, it is that life is unpredictable, and it is quite short. We all need to try harder to live a little.
Have you been holding out on your dream to buy a diamond ring or a diamond engagement ring? You can never go wrong with a diamond engagement ring. Our diamond catalogue at Hatton Garden Diamonds is waiting for you to explore. We are sure you will find the right engagement ring that will speak to your heart.